Saturday, 10 March 2012

Beer #70 - HUB Survival Stout

Hopworks Urban Brewery Survival 7 Grain Stout

I reviewed another Hopworks brew a little while ago, Beer #57, HUB Abominable Winter Ale.   This beer is made with 7 grains, barley, wheat, oats, amaranth, quinoa, spelt and kamut.  They also add cold pressed organic coffee to finish this stout.

A deep dark black colour with a coffee coloured head.

The aroma is filled with chocolate and coffee notes, with undertones of malt and bitterness of the hops.

The taste starts of coffee with a hint of the chocolate. The maltiness joins the fray and the espresso notes fade and the chocolate fills out the flavour as the hops come in it creates a bitter dark chocolate flavour and just fades away cleanly.

 A very complex, flavourful and original brew.  It is unlike most other coffee stouts I've had, the flavours are more complex and it finishes cleaner.  I would certainly recommend it for a try.

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